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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($3000)$3000.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan (3x $1100)3x $1100.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (4x $825.00)4x $825.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Attachment + Somatics Practitioner Program

Attachment and Somatics is a live, in-depth professional training program that provides a solid foundation to support your clients through stressful periods of their lives using the simple and often overlooked wisdom inherent in each of us – the wisdom of the body.

If you need more information about A+S, please review the full program details here.

The Attachment + Somatics training can be cancelled or deferred under limited circumstances. Click here for more information on our Refund Policy. 

By entering your card information, you acknowledge and agree that you will complete all payments as outlined.

You will gain access to:

12 Weeks of Live Interactive Group Classes & Learning

8 Learning-Rich Self-Paced Modules (including 9+ Lessons)

10 Live Virtual Group Classes (including interactive skills-based learning, live demos, Q+A, supervision and more) Monday's 11am-2pm US Eastern Time 

Private virtual community to interact with fellow practitioners and receive support

Curated resource library including books, articles, videos, and more

  • Total payment
  • 1xAttachment + Somatics Certificate Program$0

All prices in USD

"I feel incredibly lucky to have found Kate! My expectations were greatly exceeded! Even though we met virtually, I felt supported emotionally through our weekly meetings as well as through email check ins. Engaging in this mentoring experience has greatly increased my confidence, has provided practical and relatable resources and ideas and has given my nervous system more capacity!"

Faye Fraser
Clinical Social Worker

“I knew I needed someone that had the depth of wisdom and experience to truly meet me where I was at and was so relieved to have found that in Kate. In such a short space of time I felt seen, heard and believed in a way that cannot be forced or faked. She is a gifted mentor with a holistic approach to supporting people as entire beings and she does this all with a breath of kind-hearted humour.”

Matt Augustyn
SEP, Bodyworker
